What exactly causes low Hb in pregnant women? This is an important question, because a decrease in Hb levels often occurs during pregnancy. In addition, low Hb levels are prone to cause complaints and health problems in pregnant women. Hb plays a role in binding and delivering oxygen throughout the body, including the fetus. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), normal Hb levels for pregnant women are around 11 grams / dL. Low Hb levels should receive special attention to reduce the negative effects that can occur. Causes of Low Hb during Pregnancy During pregnancy, a decrease in hemoglobin levels that continues to become anemic is associated with a number of conditions, such as an increased risk of maternal death, premature birth and low birth weight babies. The causes vary, ranging from diet to certain medical conditions. The following is the explanation: Malnutrition Lack of iron, folic acid, and vitamin B12 can be a cause of low Hb levels during pregnancy. This...